Sunday 12 January 2014

Something new

 It’s the new year and contrary to popular believe I have no plan for this year, as plans change very quickly ( God taught me that lesson many times and me being hard headed that lesson took a long time to sink in!), seeing that I know better now , trust you me I will do better( but I still have a dinky plan that is open to life’s mishaps ) . Something new I realised late last year was the fact that I love long drives , there’s  so much to take in from nature , the natural architecture of the mountains , the smell of clean fresh air that’s just warming to the skin and finds itself internally as well , the ocean , oh my GOD !!, I fall in love every time  when I  am standing by the ocean , appreciating  nature , feeling the waves air ,gods best creation in my opinion, makes me feel at peace as if I am more connected to the spirit guides somehow .  Something new ,I also realised was that I relate more better to folks who show their motions and share more / are  open about themselves who they are as appose  to  cold folks whom I cannot figure out if they are going south or west , as they can never open up about anything because they either have serious trust issues or just don’t see the value of people in their lives.

They say if you truly want to know a person  go on a road trip with them , and trust you me my road trip to Durban was very interesting , eye opening and also forced me to acknowledge that I really can be a stubborn ass cow sometimes ( it breaks my heart to admit this but  it’s the truth unfortunately ) . Something new  I appreciated was that  Matthew got us to ride bicycles which was something I hadn’t done since I was 12 years old  and I loved every minute of it , as it was like my childlike moment replay, it’s also fair to say that Simon and Sebs had an awesome time  ( priceless to see ) . Its so much fulfilling to share things and moments with friends  as those moments will be the only thing to hold on to when your journeys take different directions .

Something new , forcing myself to look at my faults , my disillusion attachment with perfection and high expectations  which no one can reach, it all sums up to me being a control freak actually ( in short ) , but I have to say this road trip was worth every moment  as I totally loosened up, from Simons crazy jokes and  Sebs easy going attitude , we made a great team  there in Zulu land, even if it was just for a minute . The curry food though is the one thing I will never try again , as eating and drinking water, feeling like my mouth was on fire , not  amaseballs, not pleasant  at all!!, I know Sebs would agree with me on that one .

Something new , I have never met a Zulu man who is kind and welcoming like Vusi was to us , as to be honest not all but most Zulu guys have no respect for women  and when you’re an opinionated woman its even worse , they are deep into their culture ways ( which to me seems like an excuse for them to justify their weired actions, e.g polygamy for one, I don’t get that  but ohh well  that’s a topic for another day)  , back to my point Vusi is a beautiful spirit as he has Ubuntu without trying too hard , which is something I don’t get to experience a lot living in Jo’burg ( well you don’t even get to see nor speak to your neighbours when you live in  Jozi, its crazy how self focused  everybody is ..) , so it was great to experience that first hand, it was warming to my heart and I felt welcomed . 

Something new, being seriously irritated for the first time with someone I always ….always joke and laugh with and  not being  able to escape him nor leave him because guess what we were on a road trip together , so good or bad I had to stick it out and work it out . Most priceless moment though was taking a walk with Matthew by the beach where I also had my  ahaah moment  , that is “you can be anywhere in the world with whomever , but you can never run away from how you really feel.., this shit just won’t go away until you deal with it, ( in my case which is never as its kinda pointless…)” .

Something new , cheers to travelling more , trying new food (not hot ones though ..!), having fun , getting older while still having my swagger on point , having a positive mind set , reading more books  and finishing the ones I started already , doing more yoga, thanking  god daily, being  gugu gaga once in a while with my friends babies/new borns on the way, being patient and more tolerable to the very few close friends I have , lastly dreaming bigger, working hard and smart while enjoying what this new year has in store for  my beautiful spirit J.

