Monday 7 April 2014

An open letter  


My face warms up with love when I think of the laughs, the heartache, the journey and the crazy laughs we ve had before time made its decision . How I miss your being, your presence, your smell , the way you would get under my skin and I would literally want to struggle you with something , the way you understood me and I misunderstood you , time played its part yet it still feels like yesterday when we would argue about a hip-hop artist  and you would always let me win ,because you just dint care much about winning an argument .

The time we had , we ‘ve shared was borrowed time but the moments shared within that time are priceless , one day my child will know  of you in spirit , he/she will know  my other half, my  beyond free spirited brother , whom could make anybody feel appreciated by acknowledging them , a young man who had Ubuntu  and the energy that could sparkle  a deem room. Time played its tricky games with me and had already made its own calculations ,had me thinking that we still had all the time in the world to make things better for ourselves .

This is an open letter to you , me being happy to remember you and be able to smile sincerely from the core of my being, I miss you Ntsintsi J , never knew how much I loved you till the day I woke up and felt my soul drifting away from my body , no words could express the love I feel for you and funny how now the little things we did replay themselves in my mind now and again, just the other day I could see you making fun of umma ( our grandmother ) and her being very irritated with you but you just wouldn’t stop  or the way you would criticize my cooking with a bit of sarcasm  that just made my temper  go up the roof . Time is very strange in a sense that it doesn’t really make you forget anything but just makes you feel different emotions and appreciative of the allowance it gives you to either make things worse or better.

You know my heart  and I felt your pain  that had me swimming in guilt and regret , then I remembered how much you loved me and cared though I was harsh towards you , you were always warm and  loving towards me and I do miss that and I know you miss my bitching too J  , Time was never my friend but you were my beautiful brother and I do want to thank god for the time he gave us , whether it be us fighting , not understanding each other or just learning each other ‘s  moods , I am grateful to god for all of that .

Time allows you to appreciate your past but also makes it very difficult to embrace the future , to trust again and to allow any kind of love in , the trick is to dream  and believe that he who created all things knows best .You always hated it when I kissed you , so I am going to blow you a kiss and tell you one more time  i.e I love you bro and I am trying my best but damn I miss you ……Mcwaaaaaaaaaa!!

I hope you read this letter wherever you are.



Your sister Phindile .