Wednesday 20 July 2016

Sometimes you have to sit in your own truth


I have never really experienced Spring , as in  really feel the sun on my skin , embrace the smooth breeze that comes with wearing light clothing, allow myself to feel the love vibe that comes with Spring  air and makes you hopeful , sometimes you have to sit in your own truth , I had a lingering moment with myself when I experienced an indirect racial comment  coming from a spirit that suffers from self-entitlement yet pretends to love black women . Sometimes you have to sit in your own truth .

I wish my mother was still alive so I can overload some of the bullshit I deal with onto her without being prosecuted for being honest or emotional. Sometimes you have to sit in your own truth. My thoughts are becoming distasteful like a fat man judging a skinny woman for not being sexy enough, sometimes you have to sit in your own truth

 My sadness is slowly eating away my passions and oppressing my mind with hurtful memories that cannot seem to let go of me, sometimes you have to sit in your own truth . I feel my brother’s touch in my dreams , I feel his pain as if it were my pain, it’s strange how deep sibling love flows , sometimes you have to sit in your own truth . I can picture my mother’s look of disappointment and resentment, it re-bruises my heart daily,  sometimes  you have to sit in your own truth.

I rebel against my heart constantly because true happiness frightens me, the thought of being vulnerable and putting my heart at risk eats away at me when I am alone . Its difficult to entertain the façade called dreamland , as its too misleading to the mind , sometimes you have to sit in your own truth , bear the uncomfortable feelings that come with excepting who you used to be versus who you are now .

There are no rules in this life , a  privileged  friend once said to me , without understanding how difficult it is to heal a broken spirit and shake off life’s hardships , sometimes you have to sit in your own truth , let the pain sink in like a drug , don’t fight the impact it might have on your emotions and body, sometimes you have to sit in your own truth without judging yourself too much

Most times I feel more connected to the unknown than the actual people who claim to know me , sometimes you have to sit in your own truth and trust your heart , take a leap of faith, take on the impossible , breakdown barriers with a smile and kill stereotype mentalities , sometimes you have to sit in your own truth and be your own hero .


Happy Birthday Ntsitsi!!


Love your sister.
