Wednesday 3 May 2017


I have never been the kind of person who uses people to get ahead nor will I ever be, it’s just not who I am by nature, I would rather take the long way than the short way, hence it was disappointing to find myself insulted by a person I respected & whom I thought actually had a caring heart, but in actual fact is like any other privileged person.

An old man once said to me that "you make your own luck in this life “, that’s very true but a lot of elements and experiences can hinder that belief, as one gets older and gets sucked up in political and racial debates that will never end nor benefit anyone, be it in the states or SA, the old systems were initially designed to benefit certain cultures and neglect others or put them at ground level.

These past few months ,I have been having an internal battle about a lot of things , first my career , my current job, the chance of me losing my job , my relationships , my health, spending more time with my grandmother before she dies , our country’s  situation , but mostly our greedy President who solely cares about himself , his family and taking away from his own people . I don’t come from a privileged family nor had access to the best things while growing up, all I had was a hard working mom who did her best in raising both me and my brother at the time , fast forward I worked my ass off from the bottom to where I am today , tolerated unfair attitudes and treatments within the private sector , so it pains me to see a black old man , who has been given authority to be President by his own people yet treating those same people with no respect nor care , it breaks my heart to the point of sobbing .

The funny thing about being South African is that we are not financially free nor psychologically free , as majority of the people living in this country are people of colour, yet 80% of this country's wealth is controlled by white corporates  and white middle age men if not old that have investments overseas /offshore accounts , can afford to take vacations 4 times in one year, live in plots , own vineyards in Cape Town, own farms, live in their big houses and their kids have access to everything and will never ever have to experience any form of not having access to what they want . The very same people will tell a person who has a lot of experience and a qualification in their field that they are not experience enough & should prove themselves before earning certain amount of money . They will tell you how you should act yet at the same time play a psychotic game with you and tell you " oooh you should be who you are, but when you are being your true self, you have an attitude problem and negative vibes"..., On the flip side you will have a white person with no experience nor level of passion or qualification, with a bad  nun caring attitude earning twice as you just because of the colour of their skin. The education system is sooo fucked up and inaccessible to so many intelligent kids who will never know or get to uncover their own brilliance.

Our president and the political party that rules SA suffer from memory loss, being stuck in a time zone, being obsessed with filling up their own pockets, empowering their own families and neglecting the rest of SA's families, I get so angry and emotional when I talk about this shit because it baffles me…., How on earth can a political party that fought for this country's freedom, be the same party that might be responsible for its downfall, its worrying as fuck to me. 

It just feels like nobody cares, all these political parties do not care about the common man who earns an average salary and works hard to survive. All these parties care about is using the race card to keep the people of this country from moving forward .
 Then you have  folks who are born entitled and thinking that they are superior and are not interested in the progression of this country yet live in this country , but all they care about is protecting their privileged status .The  big question  is, who will lead us ?? who is the right person who will lead us , do away with corruption and all this racial anxiety we carry and try to suppress on a daily basis ,  fact is ,we are still a healing nation that needs to integrate all these cultures  and differences that we have .

As you get older experiences teach you better even though some scar you for life. I have learned that hard work alone will never be enough in this society we live in now and having one source of income can be stressful as fuck, and that being an entrepreneur is more crucial and a need than a want, I have realised that people with money use that power to control people who need that money . They manipulate situations to benefit themselves and are very pretentious, weak and insecure at their core. 

I ask myself this hard question , seeing that the bus starts and stops with me , what am I going to do if I lose my job tomorrow ?? What will I do?? , sometimes you have to be brutally honest with yourself and never get comfortable, ever ...., as my Mother would say  ..." if you don’t own something, then you have no right to call it your own nor can you benefit from it ".

Reality is a bitch but one needs to plan ahead and always prepare for the worst when you are a single working woman, as unsettling feelings make it hard to sleep at night.
What I do know is that things happen as they should, our country's political situation will work out as it should, on my personal battle I know that I have to initiate the change within myself and create more options for myself of making money and move away from spirits who think they can play god and use fear to manipulate me or try to control me.

I will hold on to who I am even though being in the private sector can be brutal on  one’s spirit and challenging as fuck , but I know who I am , where I come from , I will dance with fear like it’s my best friend , but I will not sell my soul to make somebody else feel better about themselves , (Hell on earth NO!!)
