Monday 29 January 2018


The thing about reading someone else’s life story is that it gives you a true sense of who they are and a more profound understanding of where they come from , why they think the way they think or act the way they do , what they value ,what drives them and more importantly what’s dearest to them . Winnie Mandela A life, ooh man this book cuts deep for me & validates the saying “Love is not without sacrifices and losses” . I am actually annoyed with myself for not reading this book sooner but then again, as we all know political books can be depressing as fuck .   
The thing about sacrifices is that in the moment one might have good intentions and literally think they are doing good ,not knowing that one day that sacrifice will be lost in the mist of bad publicity and unreturned love when its due. I have the utmost respect when it comes to “uMama Winnie” for the part she played in the struggle, I mean if I was in her shoes I honest to god don’t think I would have managed . The heartbreaking thing for me is that the very same man she dedicated three decades of her life to was more concerned about his own image and political endeavours instead of working through whatever differences they had when he came out of prison. What annoys me the most is the lack of full acknowledgment ,appreciation and respect , granted Mandela was a gugu gaga saint in our eyes , but he was not the perfect husband nor was uMama Winnie a perfect woman but still she deserved way more , way more hence this love story cuts like a butchers knife to the heart for me .
Sacrifices are a bitch sometimes if you ask me, like I cannot help but be mad for uMama Winnie even though it’s pointless and not my love story but still, I can imagine her pain , her losses throughout the decades , her anger at how the apartheid system stole her life in a way , how the struggle itself robbed her of a normal family and mostly I can imagine her pain when her divorce was finalized and had to watch an even younger woman from another country wed Madiba , see that’s another level of pain no one can anticipate nor prepare for ,this love story just cuts deep for me , politics aside for a second uMkhulu was a BAN, period!
I once read a line from a book, the comment made was “Europeans are taught to understand their own history, while Africans read through history and move on without fully understanding how history has a direct impact on how things are now in this continent of ours. If I was uMama Winnie , I would be mad as a mother fucker….period!!, because at the end of the day ,she was screwed , sacrifices and all , Mandela played her and played her well . The aftermath of how this love story ends really bothers me because it validates four things , 1. even the most kind hearted man can be an asshole , 2. men will love you up until they no longer have any use for you, then simply replace you when it suits them , 3. Nothing fucks you harder than time ( Game of Thrones line ) , 4. Marriage is not for everyone .

Mamu Winnie’s love story sucks & hurts all at once, what I do take away though is that black women are strong and can withstand anything , even in the most unpleasant circumstances , Mamu Winnie is my hero period, mistakes & all , at the end of the day no one can re-write history but one can learn from it .

Jah Bless