Thursday 29 June 2017

Honor thyself

Honoring yourself and listening to your instinct is not the easiest thing to do , as many of us are crippled by the fear of the unknown , then add the financial circumstances we find ourselves in . Defining moments can happen on their own but sometimes change has to be initiated in order to allow the process of growth to take effect .

I always took pride in being an independent thinker , I know that the mind is a very powerful tool and how I see myself is more important than what the next person thinks .  I have never shied away from being a rebel  or standing up for what is right and what I believe , nor will that ever change , as I am a conscious person by nature  and I don't like to be controlled or limited in anything .
Two weeks ago I listened to TT on "Power FM" touching on why there are few black women in powerful positions and some gugu gaga  white woman who is an expert in god knows what kept tip toeing around the truth .

Truth is black women are at the bottom of the corporate ladder , you will work your ass off  but fact is you will constantly have to fight through every situation , from being bullied by middle age white men , from being disrespected by black men themselves who think your worth ends in the kitchen and after bearing kids , then you will have condescending  white women who don't know the first thing about being a black woman and dealing with shit on a daily basis , so me listening to that woman go on and on about nothing annoyed the crap out of me , as we are painted as angry when we voice out our opinions or be ourselves , so how can we be at those high levels when we have to fight every step of the way  and be the version of someone else's vision ??

I cant  recall the number of times my character has been poked at like it has been in the past year or so , being patronized and constantly having to pull myself towards myself all because I have to be humble and know my place , well  Kendrick Lamar said it best ' I cant fake humble just coz your ass is insecure !!" , I also realized that I suck at being a follower , I am not a follower , I am an independent spirit and I fully embrace it , I have a big heart , I tend to care to much , I work hard , don't expect free shit from anyone , I believe in God with all my heart because I know he loves me and has my back more than any human being . 

Bathi : the minute you follow your instinct and listen to that inner voice , there more your purpose in life becomes clearer and things will just flow as they are suppose to , that is 100 percent , if you don't  honor yourself , follow your dreams and dance with fear , then you will never uncover your hidden layers , but will fall victim to other people's plans and be a part of their dreams instead of your own dream .

I am proud of being a black woman , my place is where ever I want it to be , I know my worth and what I bring to the table , I will dance with fear till I find my rhythm  but I will not tolerate disrespect and being belittled silently , I will speak up , as we cannot say we are free and yet be prisoners in our  way of thinking .

I will honor myself on a daily , hustle it out , show love , have an open heart  and keep a positive attitude with no limits !


Phindile . 

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