Thursday 8 February 2018

Political Betrayals

Where do I begin, I cannot stress this enough i.e I am not a political person!, I am just an observant citizen who cannot keep her opinions to herself . In the words of Maya Angelou … “Up from a past that’s rooted in pain, I rise!!!”, this saying to me summarises our country’s political history.

The way things are currently unfolding in the political scene in SA, it’s hard to be objective, positive and not be emotional. It puzzles me that one man can be so hard headed, narcissistic and not have a caring bone in his body , also how much of an influence does he have ?let me rephrase , how many people are on this corruption wagon with him ?? , as it’s evident that if he goes down, a lot of individuals will go down with him hence this dance that is prolonging any form of change.

I was born in this country , I love my country , I love my people even though they can be a headache to work with , deal with & understand most times , but I love my people . I struggle to understand how can all these old/middle age folks in parliament not create /formulate laws that empower our people , laws that force these white owned companies to play fair when it comes to employment, laws that don’t allow European companies to do as they wish or dictate part of our economy . I struggle to understand this “self – enrichment” attitude that most folks who work in parliament/for government departments have. How can things go from almost progression to worse between 2008 till now?? , what was the point of all the blood loss in the past?? What was the point I constantly ask myself??

They say the secret ingredient is always love , right about now confusion , hate , bottled up racial tensions between political parties and citizens seem to rule . In my eyes there is no political party that genuinely cares about the progression of this country because the name of the game is always “self-enrichment”. It saddens me that the leading party has allowed one person to drag our economy, our country’s dignity and our self-pride as a people down like this. One can even argue that how can you expect the very same folks who are corrupt and motivated by empowering only themselves at the expense of others to care about formulating fair laws when themselves fail to adhere to the simplest form of laws .

I personally don’t appreciate what’s happening, the leading party does not understand the bad impact it’s feeding, I have my own personal anxiety related to my own issues, building a small business from the ground with nothing but my will, the last thing I need is to constantly listen to self-centred BNs who only care about fattening their pockets and families with Tax money .

I always say ….Politicians are like that Ex-boyfriend whom you know is going to mistreat you, but you keep taking them back because you have shared history.

It’s time to cut the cord.  

Dazed & Confused.
Phindile .

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