Thursday 3 June 2021

 The Now

There is no one who can say that they didn't do some life reflection in 2020, if you dint do any then your probably detached from self or any spiritual part of self . 

Being a mixture of introvert & extrovert myself, stuck at home improvising on work & centering my energy was a blessing. It's crazy how time fly's , friendships end, some get married ,have kids & evolve into motherhood/fatherhood , acquire new personalities, jobs end , folks die & yet life goes on . 

The power of the billionaires that be /folks who control the circulation of money ,destroy economies & neglect investing in other economies all acted like they were seeing flames last year due to Covid-19 & a year later a vaccine industry is here generating more for the rich , it's a miracle !!!fuck me!! . I will speak from my perspective, I am honestly tired of being part of an economy that's not for people like me ( i.e black folks) . 

Decades of segregation , our forefathers/ancestors never got the chance to fully fulfil their dreams & reach their potential because of a system that was designed to destroy them , it's still lingering decades later in our economy, private sector, cultural division, our self esteem when we are in environments where we have to adjust who we are to accommodate abelungu , it's infuriating to me . I won't even go deep into politics as that on its own it's a disgrace to all the folks that died in the name of freedom , true freedom not this fake South Africa one has to stomach daily. 

I am proud to be African, with every fiber of my being , I have had my own personal struggles but I always pushed through because I learned very early on in life that nobody, I mean nobody owes me anything & if I want a certain life for myself , I would have to work hard for it & giving up is never an option , ever. It's hard but it's the reality for a lot of black  South Africans educated or not. It baffles my mind that 27 years later we still very far from an egalitarian space as a people and as a country. The trajectory of a structured education system for all is illusive as fuck at this point, if you don't have money your child is fucked. 

I never studied legislative law but even I know that any progression begins with amending laws that are no longer working in our constitution , replacing them with more thought out , practical & balanced ones for everyone that lives in this country. It's crazy how all the middle aged black folks in government who claim to know struggle are not bothered with balancing things & amending laws , standing up for all black folks , improving the lives of the poor, I mean come on , who truly wants to be poor for the rest of their life or live in survive mode for decades on end?? Nobody I can tell you that right now. 

Let me detour for a second, my visit to Zimbabwe last year was bitter sweet. As an African to see hurt and the hardships Zimbabweans are going through and yet find it within themselves to smile and be kind, that  teared me down badly ( knowing  how African foreigners are treated in SA) . It's not fun to see other folks suffer due to a black president who single handedly destroyed a country while other African countries looked from afar and did absolutely nothing . 

It's kind of what's happening with our country right now,  nobody is willing to literally change how things are, middle class black families are ok with their lives as long as they are financially secured and survive another year . The rich black folks are self-centered and have completely checked out , then you have most whites who just blatantly choose to be ignorant yet they also breathe the same air we do & live in this country. Then our lovely government that lets Europeans ( and other countries) do as they see fit in our country, like its free jol in SA , so how on earth can we progress with all this hot mess & in denial attitudes?? 

Personally I am exhausted mentally ,I am mad AF!!!  I give zero fucks about adjusting who I am to fit into a certain standard some Gugu gaga privileged individual created decades ago . I truly wish folks could think outside the box, be objective and united in wanting more for themselves individually & collectively, find ways to hold government accountable and remove all these white old men that control our economy in the background and still carry the hatred towards black people/ better yet also force their companies to adhere to new laws or harsh tax penalties . 

I wish we as a people could lift each other up instead of tearing each other down , wanting to shine alone and for those in government stealing and thinking that's acceptable shame on you!!. I wish we could learn to love one another without seeing race, gender & social status, life is hard as it is with folks being depressed & trying their hardest to face mental health issues.

Loving who we are, each other, trying everyday and working together towards progress....,that's a start for me , as unfortunately we are a country with lots of cultures and we have to learn to accept our differences and embrace each other anyways because hate, ignorance & corruption will never get us anywhere.

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