Wednesday 4 July 2012

What is your attitude

It all starts with an act of kindness, I am firm believer that if you do something for someone, do not make it a point that if they fuck up now and again you constantly remind them of how much you have helped them out in life, ..thing is when you do something from the goodness of your heart you will not need any recognition or except someone to suck up to you just because you helped them out , but reality is people do . They say attitude and how you respond to people in your life and the things that happen to you in general says a lot about the kind of person you are.

I had the pleasures of dealing with the folks that work for Government in the past couple of weeks and I swear half the time I could feel my heart pumping and my feast ready to punch something (being that I am not the most patient person when it comes to putting up with crapy attitudes) but the experience itself made me take a look in the mirrow and question my attitude towards others, for example old friends, my not by choice family, co-workers  acqauintances , new friends and lastly how I am dealing with my grief. I must say this was one of the toughest thing I had to come face to face with and ask myself if do I have a bad attitude most times??

The answer....yes I do!!, I can be extremely warm and kind if I feel most comfortable in someone else’s presence and see that they are genuine beings but if at any point I sense a bit of selfishness agenda or gugu gaga attitude I put my guard up and switch on my protective mode attitude just in case . It would be easier to shift the blame but I sort of made a conscious decision that I will not do that as that would show no level of maturity or learning from my mistakes and doing better. The moment hit home when I realised that I love spending most my time alone, researching things I know nothing about and writting,I resent guys mentality and the way they sometimes make the people they love feel small by justifying their fucked up behaviours, I love to be in control when it comes to my life (Pinklolo would say I am a control freakJ) and the people I allow in my life/space, I am a perfectionist and I am very picky and I hate explaining myself to people who know shit about my life, I get inspired by watching documentaries which other folks may find weired , my point is.. in my own way I had to face the fact that I am selfish as well sometimes or most times (but who's counting rite?), cold and rude, and get aggressively angry when I am hurt to the point where if I shut you out , I sort of declare you dead, so my question to myself was.. cant I try to be abit kinder to others, less suspicious and more forgiving , spend time with those that want to share their time with me?? ..i don’t know…,that question is still pending.

Attitude is an internal thing, I can go on n on about guys I have met with bad gugu gaga attitudes but it makes no difference if I am exactly like them but expect them to treat me differently, as the saying goes *its quickly to read a person’s attitude who possess the same charactoristics that you try to hide*. Fact is my attitude is a work in progress and I have promised myself that regardless of lifes hardships , I will work on it and make it a positive one towards myself and others.


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