Sunday 17 June 2012

It’s amazing how the spirit guides work sometimes , you go to a place expecting to just have fun but find yourself being more closer to self and experiencing the most priceless feeling ever and more blessed spiritually. As the Irish Dub /Reggae artist preached out as the music was playing *don’t let the things that happen to you in life define you ,appreciate the life and the little things that you have * as simple as those words are they hit home for me as I was on the dance floor with my friend B. Then on the other hand you had the Admaral and Jahseed blessing us with some reggae beats which were on another level , felt like was in the some Rastafarian church getting some strong healing.

Baseline was on fire, like some serious spiritual fire , now I totally understand why Rastas don’t need alcohol to have fun or to just be happy. Showing love and giving  love never goes out of style and I truelly experienced that this past weekend.

Jah bless and more Fire….to living life according to your own standards, surrounding yourself with the people that  love  and appreciate you and to never taking anyone for granted!!!!

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