Monday 16 June 2014

Priceless lessons   


The year began , honestly I had no plans of doing anything bigger or greater other than just make sure that I  travel more, try new things when I have time  and move forward with my personal plans , as always God likes to just interrupt when he feels like it ( which I have come to except and appreciate )

There’ this song called “all I want” by the Kodaline , the first time I heard this track my heart just went all soft on me and I found myself crying , I am not sure if it was the video or the words to the song , in short the song just conveys the message of true love , bear in mind that I heard the track sometime last year .

Fast forward this past Friday was supposed to go to some Art Gallery  in  Jo’burg but somehow that didn’t happen and I missed the whole thing, so  I ended up going to see a movie with a friend of mine . The movie was called  “the fault in our stars “ , ooh my word !!, like I am teary just thinking about that movie , anyway the Kodaline track is one of the soundtrack to the movie and  I was taken aback hearing the song again being played in this heart felt film I was watching.

The fault in our stars is a film based on a true story , in short you have these two teens who fall so deep in love with each other while in the mist of facing death ( cancer ) but somehow find it in their hearts to appreciate the little things and the limited time they have in this world . The story line is excellent in such a way that the two charactors do justice in portraying what  living with cancer is really like and what it can do to one spirit .

The most priceless thing I took away from watching this film was that we take our good health for granted   and constantly fail to love , acknowledge and appreciate the people who are in our lives. When good blesses us with love , for some strange reason we always find reasons as to why it will not work or cannot work , or how busy we are and just don’t need stress in our lives , when the truth of the matter is we are even more miserable in our busyness  of chasing money and status , thus something new feels so uncomfortable that it seems normal to push it away .

I maybe old fashion, which might be the reason why this film touched me so much , but there’s no greater achievement than experiencing true love  and I don’t mean the “what do you have ?? or what can you give me kinda love “, I am talking real love, genuine love  that fills you up , makes you want to be a better person and give more of yourself without expecting . The kind of love that only god can bring into your life and also take away when the time is fitting , the kind of love that forces you to forgive when your being wronged and learn to appreciate another being fully without wanting them to change who they are .

Priceless lesson learned was that, not all of us will experience true love as there are way to many distractions in this world, but if we choose not to be distracted, we all have that chance of experiencing it at some point .

Its been too long since I’ve watched a movie that had this effect on me , it just made me question my attitude towards  my life , relationships  and friendships . We all students in this life , all of us have something to offer , share , teach and all of us at some point we will die , so it’s a must to make our mark , it doesn’t matter how small it is , in gods eyes it will be seen and appreciated .

Love heals all things  and pain needs to be felt  .


Switdifferent .


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