Thursday 14 August 2014

Food for ......



I think it’s safe to say that anybody who has watched the movie “Horrible bosses” would agree with me when I say that movie was  super  funny , super sarcastic , well written and all round awesome cast , why  am I saying this , at some point in our lives we all have been around spirits that just rub us  the wrong way  or  are morally not equivalent to our own morals nor life values , basically you just cannot stand them but are kind of  forced to acknowledge them at some level .


Human beings are very interesting if everybody actually took the time and studied themselves   they would realise that you learn more and more about yourself every day and sometimes through others. Thing is if you’re not fully content with where you are in life , chances are you will not be able to commit to anything because you haven’t figured out your  place in life nor met your own life plan .


Sometimes we tend to forget that shit happens while we busy planning and nothing in life is guaranteed nor lasts, you can get fired, your business can close up and a perfect marriage can turn out to be a horrible marriage, you can just die from a heart attack …ect ….,all these things can happen because spiritually speaking we are not in control and  tend to forget how the universe works .


At some point in our own lives we all crave to be connected to something  or someone ,make money, give back  or just be acknowledged for something ( my little theory is everybody wishes to be a celebrity even if they will not admit  it  J …)  . Life has no manual nor does losing a love one but I strongly believe that we  are all “work in progress” , I can pin point my flaws and they ‘ll probably be a lot , instead though I choose to work on them  and keep it moving .


I learned a priceless lesson this week that is sometimes an idea you might have about something or someone can just be that an idea and very far from the truth or reality  and  speaking as a woman I know we tend to get lost in our dreams , high expectations  and standards that sometimes get us nowhere or somewhere if the universe agrees .


I have come to appreciate the fact that I am not scared of making hard decisions even if I end up being the one hurt the worst, I also will not apologise nor feel guilty about my life nor the direction its taking and not to get all biblical but god’s grace has brought me this far and his presence in my life is beyond any wording I can think of right now.


You cannot blame anybody for the choices you make in your life nor can you isolate yourself from the world just because you are going through staff , ….just deal with this shit , the only way forward is to just deal with this shit ngenkani  and as my favourite poet would say “ when you know better , you do better “ .



Brenda .     

I pulled my heart out of my chest

Bells in my head go off , my stomach feels peeved , dry as if starvation invaded it a month ago , I pulled my heart out of my chest as reality hit my mind more than I could handle  , I fell in love all over again , opened up a door  I thought was closed . I pulled my heart out of my chest as the waters of my being glowed inside me with  bliss and I felt like a tree shaped upside down , my insides burning before my spiritual eyes , I pulled my heart out of my chest ,as my emotions had a pity party.


I pulled my heart out of my chest , as I uncontrollably gave my heart away to  a spirit who gave his heart  and full being  to another spirit, I pulled my heart out of my chest as my efforts seemed pointless , my love  never  felt  strong enough to rebuild what has been broken , my sacred place ….the place I had in his heart had been tarnished and brutally smashed by the harsh realities of life , love and misleading words . I pulled my heart out of my chest as I watched the love of my life doubt his feelings for me.


I pulled my heart out of my chest  as yet again I am at war with time and past hurts I cannot wipe clean, the promises made never kept ,the feeling unworthy , the fear that breathes within one’s mentality, the misinterpretation of words that never seem to come out right, the emotional connection that distance only strengthens , I pulled my heart out of my chest  as I repeatedly replay  how different  things could have been  had  I knew you first , kissed you first, indulged first ,giggled with you first , planned with you first , I pulled my heart out of my chest as the pain overpowers my body  and I loose site of the present  .


I pulled my heart out of my chest, as I am searching for tears within my broken hope and wishful thinking, I knew , from the first time we met, I knew but shied away from the love connection ,damn how I was on some high…, I pulled my heart out of my chest  as I realise that being in love and showing love are two different things , that compromise is always the glue  and mistakes should be forgiven . I pulled my heart out of my chest as I lost sight of you.

I pulled my heart out of my chest ,as  it dawned on me that you cannot always have what you want  but sometimes it’s good to have what you need  even if it doesn’t  make any logical sense to the heart.

I pulled my heart out of my chest as I  realised that I was  just an experience to you.

I ll put  the pieces of my heart back together as I finally  got an answer to my childlike bittersweet fairy tale love story.


