Wednesday 17 September 2014


I still recall how supportive my grandfather was to me as a child and teenager, needless to say that he always made me feel like I really can do whatever I want even with limited opportunities  . We were not poor nor rich  just had enough to get by,  boy do I miss his love and presence in my life as a woman now , as I think he believed in me more back then than I realised .  

 I went to the Joburg  Arts alive last week , complements of my  cuzzo Nathi  , who was gracious enough to invite me  as he knows I love these sort of events , anyway  AWESOME performances , AWESOME poetry ,  all in all it was an amazing event .  While at the event I had an epiphany  as Lebo Mashile was doing her thing on stage and dropped this line “ its hard being a woman with tits in Joburg “ and I couldn’t help but press a rewind button in my mind  and fast forward to now … and my future .

It is hard being an individual and a woman  anywhere  I think ,  the fact that no matter how much   you achieve as a woman , old folks still think that the highest level / success a  woman can attain is to get married  and have kids , I totally disagree with that notion which also made me think if I had a little sister or  god daughter what I would tell her would  be the direct opposite of what my grandmother and her sisters told my mom and her cousins .

Life really is an interesting journey , a journey that will test you , make you cry sooo hard , hate the thought of living , love sooo hard , loose love, learn and amaze yourself , fail sometimes and conquer when god sees fit .  All individuals go through this shit , some at an early age and some at a later stage …as  they say "there’s no guarantee in this life" , but back to the point that I wanted to make , that is young girls and women are fed wrong perceptions about life and their own capabilities ,  I will be  the first to admit that yes there  are certain things which I strongly believe that men should do and women shouldn’t ..e.g  ..changing a car tyre ( that’s a man’s  job  and I am totally fine with admitting that aloud, so moving on… ) ,  minus that  though a woman is unfairly judged if she points out that she does not want kids nor has  any intentions of getting married , instead she would like to explore life , push her career and  travel as  she sees  fit  and just be.. , if a man was  to say the very same thing , he would be envied by a lot of men  ( e.g  the same men who worship George Clooney  for his unstable love life and the traditionalists who want to have ten wives ...I could go on really  )

Times have changed but mentalities have not and I am  proud that I was raised by a strong  Ndebele man ,my grandfather Lucas Mavula Mahlangu , who empowered me to trust myself , believe in myself, do what I want ,never apologise for my life choices , not depend on any man for anything that I can do myself , fear god  and always remember to be grateful . My grandfather played the most important role any man can ever play in my life and I learned from him that self love you practice its not a moment thing that you just say but don’t do , it pains me to see  how all women are painted as gold diggers , who are after a comfortable life but don’t want to do shit , not all women are like that , I have been around strong women , women who handle shit  and handle crises like no  other man can.   

We all individuals with different capabilities but the point is we are all capable and strong enough to carry ourselves   through  life and achieve our life goals  (man or woman ) . The one thing that I have come to realise is that most men think all women  are naïve when it comes  to love , if they pull the I am in love with you card all will work itself out , "speaking for myself " comfort  and security (that I can provide for myself )come first , love  comes second as fact of the matter is love does not pay the bills  and that’s a fucken fact in my opinion!!!

I wish young  girls would stop being so dependent on the idea of  a perfect relationships and  a perfect marriage  as there is no such in this life , all things succeed based on how committed and hard working  the individuals  involved are period .
 I have learned that the more you choose to rely on yourself for things, the easier it is to let go of people who don’t shit for you anyway .




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