Wednesday 19 November 2014

It is what it is …..

Racial issues in this country are far beyond done and dusted, yes folks get very uneasy if you start talking about race and the unfairness that still lies in this country is still very big, pretence is always a diversion to the real truth, yes being ignorant it’s a bliss but being ignorant by choice is idiotic to me.  Africa as a whole is not free from anything if you look at it with Economic and Financial eyes , nor has the mentality of white private owned companies changed in South Africa , I for one am not a politician !!but I am not blind either as I am a tax payer in this country and an active citizen  that takes  interest in what is happening around my country , its corporate culture , social culture  and the overseas relations SA has built over the years .

Mandela once said that  “nobody is born with hatred  and just as a person can be taught to hate , same applies with love “, it’s just unfortunate that not all white folks feel like that in this country nor do they give a shit about black people but rather tolerate their presence just because of the laws that our ex –President   had laid down taking into account a  long term plan which included all South Africans who graduated from Varsity/or not  who  needed to be given an opportunity ,to have that chance  to contribute towards SA’s economy  , as that’s what all South Africans want , to be given a fair opportunity within whatever field that they studied  irregardless  of colour .  Unfortunately the real world paints a different picture.  

Work hard , be honest , do your best and don’t ever give up in what your heart desires ,  that’s what my grandfather  used to preach in our household  and that’s all good but what he  dint realise then (…or maybe he did , I don’t know…) which I now know  after I  had my own  fair share of unfair treatments  is the fact that “power and  money is not in black folks hands” !!  it will take a very long time before the powers are shifted and evened  out !!...I shall quote a rap line by J. Cole  i.e “ black folks never had money, coz we don’t know how to keep money…“ These are hard words to hear but  end of the day it’s the truth  .

The dream that uMandela had was  good and all but unfortunately we all have different upbringings, culture  , different religions , different life baggage which tends to influence the way we view others , life and ourselves , then  we have our history which forms the foundation of what our forefathers  had to go through for us to even be able to walk freely in this country ( I honestly do not give a fuck how young  or free we are, I personally think every child born in SA must know our history ,it must be flipin compulsory in our education system !!!)

Most of us born  in the 80’s apart from getting older and realising that time just flew by and to the born frees ( translation the one’s born in the 90’s ) , we  all have a very big battle to fight , not all of us will have Masters ,  doctorates or will ever invent shit , but education still forms power in its own sense and  besides that we have the challenge of having to be GREAT in everything  that we do , be it entertainment , academic , entrepreneurship , art .ect , as not being good at something today forfeits the purpose of building ones wealth  and progressing .

Racism is a continuous battle all over the world but in SA specifically its very naïve of our leaders to assume different  and it’s also embarrassing to see the same black leaders being in the self enrichment  business  and seeing black men and women being used in our so called rainbow nation corporate world that is just pretence and  bullshit . Tax terminology “PAYE “ which means  the more you earn ,the more you pay  SARS !! , but who earns more in this country , who are the folks  who own private golf clubs , who own properties and making millions from black tenants , who are the folks  who have offshores accounts , move monies between countries so as to avoid paying taxes ??? yo’ll know the answer to that ....

The hustle for black people and white people will never be the same in this country , doesn’t matter how privileged you are or feel , there will always be an incident where you are forced to “ apparently know your place “ , what do I say to that “big middle finger “

As young /adult black women and men of this country, we have a lot to prove to ourselves and achieve , hard as it may be to deal with the unfairness /hate that still lies low but exists  , one thing that is sweeter than getting even is succeeding , acquiring assets , investing and reading up on things that are interesting and enlightening , I think we all must strive towards that little by little since we know what our reality is .

Brenda .




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