Wednesday 29 October 2014


The word outcast as defined in the dictionarya person who has been rejected or ostracized by their society or social group” . The stages of our lives differ but sometimes the teachings are the same even when some of us take longer to get the lesson but it eventually sinks in.

 I have been an outcast all my life ,experienced  it in such hard circumstances it almost buried me under my own soul and at some point in my life I hated myself and being alive . The impact it had on my attitude was terrible as I became seriously distant ,guarded , very selective with whom I befriended  and trusted, the fact that I had the worst experiences when it came to relationships dint help either, my walls were up so high I don’t think anybody could reach …them ( well maybe Chris Brown J…, don’t judge!! I relate to the boy….)

The motion and the heavy burden that comes with being and feeling like an outcast can be too damaging on one’s mentality, which may lead to depression but of cause in black societies nobody ever acknowledges depression, even friends assume you will get over it , I know for a fact that some things you cannot get over them and time really doesn’t do shit  ( sorry God!!). We all have things that lay heavy on our hearts and mind but get up every morning and get on with it anyway, as for me I taught myself at a very young age to not let my emotions affect my judgment and I still do that even now…(well  the jury is still out on that ...) .  

 My constant battle with feeling like an outcast continued throughout my teens till now, I was never the pretty chick , always had to work harder, through all that I dint give shit about what people think ( oook maybe I still don’t give a shit )  and though I felt like an outcast I also felt like there is something  bigger than me that’s driving me, see  we fear our feelings and emotions so much these days that we always want to embody the positive persona and act as if we have everything under control but I realised that sometimes I am just a hot mess and that’s ok.  

 This past weekend I had the pleasure of spending time with my grams, we never had the best of relationships but we have a relationship so that’s that, she is literally crazy funny and very opinionated about everything!!!!! even when she is seriously sick, for the very first time in our lives,  I think I saw my grandmother  in a different light and she saw through  me with  lots of love that I felt and in that moment I realised that it was never about what anybody did or what they dint do  or how I wish my childhood was different, I just naturally hated belonging anywhere and I know that is a weird thing to say but it’s the truth . I felt like an outcast because I knew back then I dint belong nor did I want to be chained to any culture or laws and expectations , I just had a very rebellious persona that only a few people understood .   

Someone once said:” a man who doesn’t own up to his responsibilities, hides his feelings and emotions with the cloud of coldness and pretence is a very dangerous man and cannot be trusted”, well I say its always best to own your truth and to be proud of who you are and learn to love the kind of person your becoming.  

 I am an outcast .  









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