Thursday 10 December 2015

The downside of progress & change  

As they say “change is the only thing that is constant in this world “, yet as humans we try by all means to fight and rebel against it , we find reasons to stay in our limiting ways ,we have grown fond of , we justify why things shouldn't change because they have been done a certain way & how dare we start now and change things . Thing is though if one can’t flow with the changes you will never outgrow the old you, see beyond your circumstances & even embrace new people

In my opinion change has the ability to bring out the worst in people , insecurities start creeping out, egocentric vibes start taking over humble spirits , personality clashes have their mini parties , the devil literally has Christmas at our expense just because change freaks people out and also cripples the mind in a weird kind of way. There are those that adjust well to change based on their intellectual level & complexity to adapt to situations even when they are uncomfortable ,yet even those struggle with change but soon get into the vibe  of change , then its endless possibilities .

Eight  months ago I made a decision to resign & start afresh, venture on to new possibilities, I had no idea that I would end up working for a manufacturing company , let alone be the only black female holding a Management position & surrounded by men only . I must admit it was intriguing to me and felt like good timing to make the change and just see what else could be out there for me in Jo’burg , little did I know that being a young woman & managing men comes with a lot of challenges  & chauvinistic attitudes that are hidden behind bullshit justifications.

The fighter in me just embraced the opportunity but the realist in me knew that this will be no piece of cake , indeed it was a challenge & still is but I am determined to not allow rigid attitudes & mature men who are insecure , scared of change determine the outcome of this chapter in my life . It’s bad enough racial issues are in the mix , add black cultural issues of traditionalist who don’t see themselves being managed by a young women .  This shit called change is intense, heavy and hard to deal with , men in this country especially black men both educated & nun educated , cannot digest the idea  of a strong woman at some level they want control & power.

The battle I face & will still face next year is to bring about change & deal with stuck up attitudes from men who literally want to see me break , fail & eventually quit , but unfortunately for them I am stronger than I look & there’s nothing I know better than to deal with delusional individuals who are  scared of change & progression .

New Year’s resolutions or not , change will happen any ways in our lives , friendship dynamics change , careers change , life plans get distracted with beautiful surprises , sometimes not so beautiful but change will always find its way into our lives , even if we don’t initiate it ourselves .



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