Monday 21 May 2012

Dear God

Its been two weeks , my heart is still heavy with pain and hurt , if I could turn the clock I would but reality is I cant , I am left with the demons as it dawns on me that we live in the world were love is no longer practiced, were are a self obsessed people, no time to help the next person unless were are getting something in return or we are being recognised in some way, not compassionate at all ,don’t have time to be real with ourselves , its all about money and power and neglecting the little things and not acknowledging God ‘s presence in our lives .

Left with the demons that run deep in my veins, how can something like this happen to me but then again if it doesn’t happen to me who should it happen to??, the school of life is hard and blood is not thicker than water ,as I have come to learn that the very same people who are suppose to shelter you sometimes turn out to be the ones that hurt you the worst. The thing about pain is you can either be bitter from it or you can allow it to teach you to be more compassionate and less judgmental towards others. I am left with the demons as I struggle to digest the fact that my little brother killed himself, how frustrated, unloved and unimportant did he feel for him to do this to himself I question myself, fact is much as he had his own life choices I am still his sister and the pain I feel from this I cannot put into words nor explain it, I loved him but somehow his own demons overpowered him to feel unloved and unwanted.

Left with the demons as I try not to fall apart and lose my mind in grief ,yesterday I wept till I ran out of tears ,I wept till I could feel my body shake uncontrollably and I asked god what lesson am I suppose to learn from this ,as all I feel is guilt ,anger , confusion and I cant seem to grasp the reality of my circumstances , that’s why sometimes for me its better to shy away and not talk just write and somehow I ll find my peace and sense of calmness without being a burden to anyone ,as folks don’t like baggage and reality is there is no way around pain and loss of a loved one , there just isn’t.

Left with the demons as I sit alone in my room and pray for guidance ,faith and patience, I choose to not be my circumstances ,I choose to stand firm in your promise God though right at this moment I don’t understand and I am angry at you , but your all I have and  I trust that you know best, so I will rest in your arms no matter what.  


Love – Switdifferent

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