Monday 14 May 2012

It …..

It lies within the coners of his eyes , the untold story, the fear that keeps him awake , the holding on to what could have been or mite have been , the desire that keeps him wanting more yet needing less from the spirit guides, can’t stand the idea of moving beyond where he is as his own expetations are too high to live up to , it lies within the coners of his yes …, as past ghosts stand firm by his bedside ……,

It was never his plan to be or live like this but I guess things happen .. he whispers to himself…in deep sorrow and regret , …this moment , is the one moment he decides to speak to his younger self as though he was making manse with his past mistakes , it lies within the coners of his eyes he tries to remember the last time he cried n sobbed all at once …,men don’t cry …”that’s what he knew as a boy den , …but as off this moment emotions are running high within him , as he says to his younger self , m sorry .., I am sorry I was never kind to you , never respected your true wishes ,pretended to be something am not just so I could be excepted by my peers., never respected the women that truelly loved me and tried to be there for me, m sorry I sold myself short when I could have spoken my thots and made them known irrespective .., I am  sorry for never taking your advice Dad and being difficult for no reason , m sorry for not being de man you wanted Mom …, mostly m sorry for not being truthful to me…, it lies within the coners of his eyes…

He takes a breathe as if he will never breathe again, overwhelmed by what he had finally sad to himself .., …the sadness , stress, tension , expetations that seems all too heavy on his heart , all seemed to have disappeared , it lies within the coners of his eyes , as he realises  that sometimes not everything will go according to plan and as hard it may be to be a black man , its okay to not know how things will turn out , but he must let go and allow himself to be and florish beyond what the physical eye can see.., …n trust himself enough to stand the wind , … lies within the coners of his eyes …..’

To my brother - Tsitsana


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