Thursday 31 May 2012

I am still here

I woke up to a bad  dream with a heavy heart , staring at the woman who was shaped like a tree faced upside down , looking at me as if I had disappointed her , misplaced her kid , killed a dream and choked the life out of the little good she ever had inside her , I am still here as I am confronted with my biggest fear,… failing to keep your promise, your brothers have made it their mission to crash any glim I might have of the future , being cast out , rejected like a dog , ignored as if my being was a big mistake to the perfect clan that I didn’t belong to ,I am still here and this dream feels all so real as I run of tears which block the pain that’s in between my lungs, I scream out loud as I try to run away from this woman who seems to want to teach me a thing or two about life yet my feet cannot seem to carry my body and I fall down to no ground and still see this woman.

That was my first truth , I gasp trying to breathe and hopefully wake up from this dream but this woman refuses to let me go and my soul peacefully excepts my fate, his now staring at me with shame, like he wants to say something to comfort me but she gets more angry as he tries to reach me .I am sorry he says  as his eyes are all teary with blood , for what I ask??, I am sorry for not being strong enough , for making grandma cry , for being the opposite of what I was taught to be by grandpa, for putting up an act so as to avoid this hurt and not disappoint you , I am sorry for lying and deceiving all the people that loved me especially you, for hiding behind our circumstances when you didn’t ,for letting myself down and giving into temptation by smoking this devil that eventually led to my death , I am sorry for not believing in myself and what you wanted me to learn and see, that the world is full of opportunities no matter where you come from , I am sorry sis I am sorry I left the way that I did, I couldn’t take the pain nor deal with it anymore and I say this not expecting you to understand but just saying my truth to you. I am still here looking at him bleed and this woman getting more peeved  at me as if I don’t deserve to hear those words coming out of him .

When it rains it pores they say ,I am drawning in this nun existant rain that seems to be hitting my skin like wild fires , don’t think about it.., it will pass …, it will make you strong they say ,there’s a lesson in every challenge , I am sorry …..,then life goes on …., but life doesn’t go on for me , this shit is my reality , I close my eyes and I see him , I am still here and i don’t understand why , she pulls me closer , I go blind but can still see it as if it happened yesterday,  nun of this is hallucination nor fiction it’s as real as it gets , its my truth ,my life story and a part of my history yet I still cant swallow fully the left overs of this story. I am still here, she’s now in front of me looking at me as if she’s taking a pick at my soul and doesn’t like what she sees , you burned my reflection, failed dismally at being a sister , I asked you to look out for him yet you put yourself first and he lost his way , Its not my ….fault …..its not my fault…,’’I am not done sharing my truth”, I will burn you …and you will be more remorseful than you are now …,its not my fault …its not my fault mom …….

My last truth , I am still here and I don’t know why , no one knows this weight of pain l carry yet they understand , friends keep their distance and they don’t know how much I need them right at this moment, but I am not a priority nor expect to be …,.as I am a ticking boom waiting to explode , question is when ??....when I don’t feel anything anymore …nor feel motivated to be me after having to live through this….like I said this is nor fiction but my life. I am still here as I scream out my brother’s name in vain, gutted by this horrible motion sitting in my throat but will not come out, as I mumble in my misery this woman fades away and I realise that my eyes have been opened this whole time and she was here and he was here with her as well.

I am still here , facing me in the mirror ,though broken and shattered , everything I love taken from me, …….i trust in the unknown , I will walk in faith  not knowing what’s to come but excepting what is your will God. I am still here.

Love –SwitdifferentL

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